
Giving is an act of worship and obedience. We believe that giving should be cheerful, regular and sacrificial. It should also be easy. No one at LifePoint is compelled to give or made to feel guilty about tithes and offerings. Our partners and attendees give because they love God and love the mission of their church.

There are several ways to give at LifePoint:

  1. Cash or check when the offering buckets are passed — Envelopes are available in the seat pockets in the chairs for those who wish to give cash.

  2. Online giving  It’s safe, secure, and much like online bill payments from your bank or making an online purchase from a vendor like Amazon. Whether you want to give a one-time gift, or a recurring one, online giving is easy.

  3. Giving kiosk in the foyer — Give anonymously or create an account, choose from one of our funds.


Where does my money go?
All contributions are used to fulfill our mission of leading people on a life-changing journey to walk in the way of Jesus. That includes investing in outreach efforts both in our community and globally. Your contribution helps us provide water to villages in Africa, counsel hurting people, help folks win freedom from addictions, offer family ministry programming, plant new churches throughout the world and much more. Most important, we are sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with every ministry initiative. That, of course, is where people find hope for the future and the opportunity to experience real life change.

How should I begin giving?
The Bible talks about giving often. In fact, Jesus said that where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (Matthew 6:21). The key is to give regularly and generously. If we become generous with our money, God promises our heart will follow. Additionally, 2 Corinthians 9 tells us “each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give; not reluctantly or under compulsions, for God loves a cheerful giver.” In other words, giving is part of God’s design for believers in Christ.